
AI Handbook For Industry

RRP : A$99.00
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CURRENTLY A$99 until March 31st, 2024

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This publication is a comprehensive practitioner’s guide to AI meant for a very wide audience ranging from the beginner with little or no background in AI to industry professionals already active in the field.

Part I is intended for an essentially general audience of various leadership and managerial roles from the CEO of an organization to a Project Manager tasked with managing the delivery of AI projects.

Part II is intended for AI specialists who are responsible for designing and building AI solutions within industry including Solution Architects to Specialist designers and developers.

Consequently the content of Part II is significantly more technical that the content of Part I.

Note: Part I is currently available for purchase; Part II is due for publication in 2024.

Some excerpts from the text of Part I of the Handbook are provided as follows

There exist today numerous challenges for corporations to successfully implement AI/ML for realizing its full benefits for the business.

As per Harvard Business Review “Leaders also often think too narrowly about AI requirements. While cutting-edge technology and talent are certainly needed, it’s equally important to align a company’s culture, structure, and ways of working to support broad AI adoption”

AI/ML projects today tend to be ill-defined in terms of scope and methodology. They often run over time and budget and may not produce expected outcomes. These syndromes are not uncommon in a new industrial discipline.

To overcome these gaps we present a blueprint of best practices for industry leaders to transform their organizations to becoming truly AI-driven.


Please note that this pricing is available for a limited period until 31st December 2023

The contents of Part I of this Handbook are shown below

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